Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The point of having a cell phone...

For those of us who have cellphones we've all heard someone point out to us that the reason for having a cell phone in the first place is for emergencies (Thanks mom and dad -_-) Most of the time I say, "I'm sorry for not picking up." Many times over though my mom likes to say," You know, I could be dying on the freeway and nobody will know because you guys don't pick up your stupid cell phone!" (And she calls me dramatic? >.<) It's true I know that can happen, but most of the time I'm hoping that it is not the case. Out of my siblings I'm the one who most of the time does not have my cell phone on me. (I hate carrying it around sometimes) Jen on the other hand is glued to her phone constantly. She gets so annoyed when it's one of us calling her because she says, "It's a waste of my battery." Just to annoy her some more I purposely call her for no reason. (How mean am I...) Really that just agitates me when she says that. Texting people takes up time in my opinion. I bring up this topic because I was trying to call Jen or Josh ealier but of course they don't answer their phones. I bought myself lunch wanted to split it up for one of them in case they were hungry.( Jen is staying until 5 and Josh has class at 7 to 10pm) Since none of them answered I guess I'll just have to finish my meal. (Probably just give it to Josh...) Please stay tune ;)

P.S: Always answer your phones, it can be important!

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