Monday, May 6, 2013

Paying It Forward

As I was walking to the bus stop today, a friend of mine stopped me and handed me a strip of paper. Lo and behold it was a transfer for the bus. When taking the bus one either pays the fee if taking one bus or pays the fee and a little more (usually 50 cents) to receive a transfer which allows you to ride another bus once your get off the first one. A few days before I was handing out bus passes because my friend had some extras and she didn't want them to go to waste for they were going to expire. When I was waiting for the bus I handed out these bus passes to random people. One of those random people happen to be my friend. He really appreciated that I gave him one. So today he handed me a transfer which acts like a bus pass. That made my day ;)  Shout out to Josh my occasional bus buddy!
Stay tune for more ;)

P.S: Tranfers come in different colors and the one my friend gave me was PURPLE! My favorite color...

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