Monday, May 13, 2013

Brother where art thou?

I'm having such a difficult time trying to come up with a short story for my English class. AT first I was excited but now I regret choosing this topic! But I have to stick with it -_- I was telling Josh this and asking if he could help me. He said I was making this assignment to hard on myself (easy for boy genius to say!) And he told me about this thing called Pixar's 22 rule of storytelling. I read through all the rules and even though I thought of issues I had with this topic, these 22 rules helped get through the rough patch I was in (kind of...) At first my story was going to be about the circus but I couldn't come up with anything after that now I think my story is going to be about getting out of our daily routine? I don't know really----> back to square one! >.< Wish me luck! I'll leave the link to the rules at the bottom :) As always stay tune for more ;)

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